Chiropractic is the science of correcting vertebral subluxations through gentle, specific adjustments. Spinal adjustments can help improve mind/body communications.
Chiropractic treatment given to the body helps improve the function of the neuromusculoskeletal system (Nerves/ muscles / joints). This treatment is one of the key components to your overall health and can help your spine and extremities achieve optimal function. With dysfunctions in your spinal joints you may have reduced neurological function. Your nervous system controls everything you do. At Nevy Health we provide multiple chiropractic techniques determining the best technique for each patient. We provide Sports Chiropractic care with extremity adjusting, manual manipulation, Atlas – Orthogonal, activator and more to fit the needs of each person. Chiropractic care could benefit almost everyone. We have treated infants to the elderly and anyone in between. When you have joint dysfunction you can’t always feel it. In time this joint dysfunction can lead to muscle tightness, nerve irritation, osteoarthritis, poor posture, pain, disc stress, headaches and many other problems and symptoms. The only way to know if you could benefit from chiropractic care is to have your spine and joints evaluated by one of our Chiropractic physicians here at Nevy Health.