
See what Nevy is all about


Jun, 2018

Sun Protection Facts

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The Arizona summer heat is here, which to many of our chiropractic patients, it means closing your shades and turning your home into your private, cool sanctuary. But as many people who live in Mesa know, we can't be…



Jun, 2018

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

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"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."  Have you ever heard this saying?  Well I get to see proof of it every day.  Being a sports Chiropractor I see first hand from those patients of mine that follow through with regular chiropractic maintenance treatments.  For the most part they function better in the joints and muscles, the have more energy, they sleep better, and they tend to…



Jun, 2018

What is an MTHFR mutation?

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Each of us has a genetic makeup that makes us uniquely individualistic.   However, included in that genetic makeup are differences, maybe certain defects, variations or mutations, not to worry – everyone has them! Recently, in functional medicine and increasingly…



Jun, 2018

Understanding Detoxification

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Our bodies naturally do it every day. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, and skin. In fact, internal detoxification is one of our body's most basic automatic functions. Just as our hearts beat nonstop and our lungs breathe continuously, our metabolic process continuously disposes of accumulated toxic matter. In our world today, body systems and organs that were…



Jun, 2018

Nevy’s Gifts for Dad

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It’s finally June, and our chiropractors at Nevy Health know that means it’s hot and that Father’s Day is just around the corner! Don’t worry we have some great gift ideas that could help your dad on his journey…



May, 2018

Cleaning Your Home Naturally

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Many of our Mesa chiropractic patients are curious about how they can live a healthier, more natural lifestyle. One of the largest sources of toxins in our life can be the cleaning products that we use. It's amazing that the products we think should be helping us, can actually be causing us more harm. Before WWII, and the rise in chemical research, people used a handful of basic ingredients to…

Deep Tissue Massage


May, 2018

What To Expect During Your Nevy Health Massage

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At Nevy Health in Mesa, we are proud to offer a variety of services to our patients. Many of our chiropractic patients find that massage therapy is a perfect compliment to their regular adjustments. Other patients schedule massage appointments…

Spinal Evaluation


May, 2018

Have You Considered Preventative Chiropractic Care?

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Our Mesa chiropractors are always proud to talk about what they do here at Nevy Health, but many times  people say "I don’t have any pain so I don’t need to see a chiropractor.” While our team is so glad that these people aren’t experiencing pain, these people could probably still benefit from chiropractic care.  Let’s explore 4 reasons to see a chiropractor, even if you’re not in pain. Pain…



Apr, 2018

Avoiding Dehydration in Arizona

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Our expert chiropractors talk with a lot of patients who ask about water consumption – especially in Arizona! If you live in Arizona, you know that you need to drink water and even more water in the summer months.…



Apr, 2018

8 Best Hikes in Arizona

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Fresh spring weather is here in Arizona, and at Nevy Health we are ready to get you out there to enjoy it. Our chiropractors and medical professionals love exploring Arizona, and together we've come up with a list of eight hikes that range from expert to family-friendly for you to experience.   The “A” Mountain 'A' Mountain at Hayden Butte is located off of Mill Avenue, and it's a quick…